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The Examination of a Species



The Examination of a Species

6 Mins | Drama

An other-worldly species reports on human behavior and activity.


Cast & Crew

Written and Directed by: Seejon Thomas
Cinematography by: Jameson Carr
Color by: Zack Stephen
Man: Alex Hodgins
Robber: Kevin Bohleber
Woman: Ashley Dakin
Pedestrian: William Romano-Pugh

Reach out for a viewing link


Directors Statement

As an exploration of human behavior, I’ve always been interested by the process of context removal and they way it reveals certain absurdities within the various common day practices widespread in human society. Often we can get so trapped within the web of contexts that our objectivity suffers, the path towards improvement become murky. Is simple action always the answer? Often not. The simplest is not always the correct. However, the third person always has the greatest opportunity for insight, and along that regard I found it quite interested to approach the examination of human behavior from the most third person possible, a third kind, an alien. With humans shot like animals in a nature doc, it became quite alleviating to combine both a typically serious scene with detached framing and an impassioned commentary. The limits of our understanding limit our empathy, so often we spare little thought to the animals we observe, and turned back on us, we can almost see the animal nature in our own actions.